We are beloved and broken.
We need to know and tend to ourselves in order to be well, love others well, and because we are loved.
Customized trainings, workshops, and mini-retreats for organizations.
Contemplative guided practices and holy listening to one another.
I am a Certified Spiritual Direction with Soul Formation. Limited availability for individual spiritual direction appointments. Contact me to inquire.
Monthly free newsletter with holistic trauma-informed soul care reflections and resources.
Paid membership receives more regular reflections and meditations, as well as archives.
Recorded Guided Meditations from my Soul Care Groups. See offerings below or here:
It is all too easy for helping professionals to forget to take care of ourselves. There is always more to do.
Taking care of ourselves is not optional, it’s essential when working with people who’ve experienced trauma.
We need the deeper work of soul care.
Subscribe to my weekly ($5/month) or free monthly newsletter for guided meditations, resources, and reflections.

Holistic Trauma-Informed Soul Care
is a practice of tending to one’s whole self that is grounded in our core identity in order to be resilient, thrive, and love others as we love ourselves.
It involves knowing who we are,
how we are impacted by secondary trauma,
and journeying towards recovery and healing.
Certified Spiritual Director, from Soul Formation
Integrative Somatic Parts Work Certificate
Genesis Process Relapse Prevention Counselor
Master’s in Social Work
BA in Religion and Peace Studies
I have worked in DV advocacy, ministry, jail chaplaincy, and a variety of social work jobs before burning out and realizing my own need for soul care.

“Careful attention to one’s inner life is an indispensable prerequisite of caring for the souls of others.”
~ David Benner